As a digital world grows and evolves, companies of all sizes and industries need a solid online presence. This is where web designers come in. Working alongside programmers/developers, they are responsible for laying out and implementing the sites we see on our computers, tablets, and phones. The specifics of the role vary depending on whether you are a full-time employee designing for a single company or a freelancer who takes on many projects at once. Find out:
The Importance of Hiring a Local Web Developer in Omaha
While there are a variety of careers you can pursue in the field, becoming a web designer is one of the most popular choices for new graduates and career changers. Most web design programs require a minimum of a high school diploma and some form of post-secondary education such as an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in digital media, graphic arts, or web design. Certification courses in HTML, CSS and Javascript can boost your hireability, as well.
Design Concepts
While the exact workflows and processes vary, all web designers work in a fast-paced environment with project timelines that can often change on short notice. The responsibilities of a web designer include:
Prototyping and Testing
Web designers create interactive prototypes or clickable mockups to demonstrate website functionality and user interactions. They also gather feedback from users to inform iterative design improvements. Handoff to Development Team